Christian Härtwig написа:
 > Hi There!

I have discussed this topic for a very long time on this mailing list, too. And guess what: a "good" (where good means pretty easy to realize) fix *is* available. I have attached the patch file that does the job. You need to recompile alsa drivers that for. with the Patch included you will have a new volume slider that indeed sets the overall volume for all channels. Since i am no developer i cant tell you exactly why this patch is not included in the drivers, but for emu10k1 and sb live i have found out it works great. i am using it with alsa-driver and -lib version 1.0.10 and have had no *real* issues yet. unfortunately i know people reporting that this patch causes the overall output volume to be a bit quiter than normal, but i cannot confirm. Thanks again to whoever has send that patch to me.

Christian Haertwig
Alsa User :)

It works! in analog mode.
Just that when I play a 2-channel stereo my left front speaker is muted (other 5 working and being controlled form the Master Digital) and when playing 6-channel audio the rear left speaker is muted (other 5 again working and being controlled form the Master Digital)...
May be this has to do something with these mono statements in the patch.
I'll give it a try with alsa 1.0.10 and give some feedback.


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