On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, David Dasenbrook wrote:

I am trying to do some recording with my SoundBlaster Live, using the ALSA emu10k1 module. However, it turns out that I am unable to control recording (capture) and playback volumes of the LineIn independently. When I press space on the "Capture" item in alsamixer and also make sure the LineIn-Signal is captured, I can record the signal, but I also hear it at the same time, even though the LineIn-Playback Volume is muted. All I can do to silently record the signal is to mute the PCM-Playback volume in alsamixer, but then again I cannot hear the track that I have already recorded in ardour (thus, I cannot use the full duplex capabilities of my sound card). Is there any way to turn monitoring of the LineIn signal off while recording it?
Thanks in advance, I appreciate any comments or suggestions,

I find this confusing. You seem to say you want to listen to the playback
and not listen to the playback at the same time. On most cards, the PCM slider controlls the volume for playing, while the
Master Volume or Volume slider controlls how much of the input goes out
the output I do not have a Soundblaster so have no idea how its mixer
works, but I have found the labeling of the mixer controls confusing to say
the least. All I can suggest is to try things. Do not assume that you know
what the slider names mean. Try them.

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