On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 23:54 +0100, Stephen Mollett wrote:
> I may not object to compiling my own software but I have seen countless 
> disgruntled users who have tried Linux after seeing me using it with apparent 
> ease then given up in disgust a few weeks (or even a few hours) later when 
> they can't get basic functionality to work properly or at all. They then pop 
> in a Windows CD and have a fully-working system in an hour or so. The worst 
> of this is that they then spread the word to all their friends that Linux is 
> a waste of time for "normal" people - which doesn't exactly do the "cause" 
> much good. (It does, however, boost my reputation as some kind of IT 
> planet-brain... I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not, given that 
> it raises expectations at "point of delivery".) 

This isn't a Linux problem, you picked a bad distro.  Try Ubuntu or

I don't understand why something called "Mandrake 2006" would use a
kernel released almost a year ago.


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