On Thursday 12 June 2008, Grant wrote:
> I'm trying to get music from mpd to my USB DAC in 100% untouched
> form. My mpd.conf is as follows:
> audio_output {
> type "alsa"
> name "USB Monica"
> device "hw:0,0"
> format "44100:16:2"
> }

Don't know anything about mpd but you can set up an asoundrc "plug" in 
alsa that will fix the rate from alsa to the device. The following 
example works for me:
pcm.my_device {
        type hw
        card 0
pcm.my_device_44 {
        type plug
        slave {
                pcm my_device
                rate 44100
pcm.my_device_48 {
        type plug
        slave {
                pcm my_device
                rate 48000
The set the output of your app to the plug device. For example, in 
Audacious > Output Plugin Preferences > Device Settings > Audio device: 
type "my_device_44". Also disable the rate converter and check bypass 
signal processing. Not to mention, per this example, to use a 44.1kHz 
source file.

I use it to insure that my audio does not get munged.

Of course if the actual hardware (my_device) does not support the sample 
rate, or its clock is not to set to that sample rate, then you will not 
get playback.


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