On Friday 13 June 2008, Grant wrote:
> I changed my config like so and restarted alsasound with the same
> results:
> .asoundrc:
> pcm.usb-audio {
>         type hw
>         card 0
>         }
> pcm.usb-audio_44 {
>         type plug
>         slave {
>                 pcm usb-audio
>                 rate 44100
>                 }
>         }
> mpd.conf:
> audio_output {
>         type                    "alsa"
>         name                    "USB Monica"
>         device                  "usb_audio_44"
> }
> I also tried .asoundrc with usb_audio instead of usb-audio and
> mpd.conf with:
> type "usb-audio_44"
> Do you see the problem?

If you name the plug usb-audio_44 then your mpd.conf device has to match 
(not usb_audio_44, but usb-audio_44).

First make sure you get sound when you play to the non-plug device 

Then set up a plug for 48k as well and if you get sound with the 48k 
plug and not the 44.1k plug then you know that your device either 
cannot hardware clock at 44.1k, or isn't set to clock at 44.1kHz.

If it doesn't work with either plug then maybe the syntax I use isn't 
quite correct for your alsa version.

You can also use better sample rate conversion 
with 'pcm.rate_converter "samplerate_best"'. I've tries this as a 
default in asoundrc (defaults.pcm.rate_converter "samplerate_best") and 
can clearly hear a difference when I allow alsa to rate convert, but it 
doesn't play well with streaming media, maybe it can be put in a plug 
as well, haven't tried that yet.


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