Hi Christian,

Could you be more specific about what isn't working for you? I myself have 
substituted the dsnoop/dmix stuff I told you about for a simple route plugin 
(due to some GStreamer weirdness going on with those plugins), but the asoundrc 
I sent you allowed me to break my Delta 1010 into distinct mono/stereo pairs. 
These however are named pcm virtual devices rather than hw0,1-n. If that's 
specifically what you need, then I'm not sure what to suggest (sounds like 
you'd have to do some driver/alsa hacking).

Maybe it would help if you tried to explain your usage scenario. Coming from 
JACK, I presume it's some sort of usual DAW type deal, in which case whatever 
software you're using should be able to use these pcm devices just fine.

I now use the route (& volume) plugin (see docs here: 
http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-lib/pcm_plugins.html) slaved directly 
to the hw plugin accessing my card (same as for the dmix/dsnoop), and then 
access these devices with "plug:" in front if I need format conversion.

We seem to be in similar time zones (I'm UK), so if you need some more direct 
(over the net) help to get this working, I'm happy to lend a hand.

On Thu, 14 Mar, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> 
On Thu, 2013-03-14 at 07:39 +0100, Schmidt, Christian Thorge wrote: 
> Dear all, 
> after having gotten a few valuable pointers by some of you, I still 
> find myself unable to generate multiple, direct-ALSA (ie. no jackd) 
> devices from my card. 
> Does anyone have another pointer as how to make the 24 mono channels 
> (or 12 stereo pairs if you want, this would be another good and 
> valuable thing to learn) available as distinct ALSA devices, i.e 
> hw:0,1 and hw:0,2 and so on through hw0,24 ? 
> I'd be very happy to support anyone helping me out in any way 
> possible, maybe by letting you access the computer the card is 
> connected to or even sending you the card for testing (yes, I'd really 
> like this to work without jack :). 
> By the way, this would also be usable for all those multichannel (ie. 
> front, rear, left, right etc.) USB soundcards I suppose, so not just 
> the heavy-hitters (in terms of multichannel soundcards) would benefit 
> from the info. 
> Sincere thanks, 
> Christian. 

This would be an improvement for RME cards, that aren't supported very 
well. I own the HDSPe AIO and can use it only with 2 ADAT channels, the 
other 6 aren't accessible. To ensure hat the card isn't borked, I tested 
it with FreeBSD. All 8 ADAT channels are ok, it's not broken hardware. 

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