Eric and list;

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Eric Favre <> wrote:

> Rutger,
> I thank you, I now have hope that mine will work :) (yep, it's a Teac
> UD-H01).
> I'm running Archlinux 64bit, with 3.10.27 LTS (I tested 3.10.20 too, maybe
> I should give 21 to 26 a try too, but dunno if it's kernel related...)
> I do not have pulseaudio. I play directly from aplay or mpd.
> I do not know if a .asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf config file is needed, I
> have tried many with no fix.
> I'm using the latest version of alsa (1.27.2 iirc).
> I play only 16bits files (all my music is lossless), 44.1KHz
> If you have an alsa config file, could you paste it please ?
> I've had a look at the thread you speak about, that's how I knew that the
> Teac can work at 16/44.1 but there are no explanations of the configuration
> to set in order to make it work... Hope you understand what I mean.
> First of all, gonna install Fedora 18 with the same kernel as you and
> disable pulse, then use aplay, and I will know if it's ok.
I have a laptop and USB DAC that causes me problems with distorted /
crackly sound when plugged into a USB-2 port and works fine in a USB-3
port.  This has been the case so far with 3.2, 3.8 and 3.11 kernels.  The
DAC seems to work fine with other computers in the household running the
same kernels.

Therefore I have concluded in my case at least it is something not
correctly managed in the USB-2 port on the one laptop.  Fortunately, since
everything works fine on the USB-3 ports in the machine in question, I am
OK with all of this.

Can you try your DAC on some other machine?  Can you install a different
USB setup in your current machine?

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

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