All: The unified-properties draft is now done with its WGLC.  (In fact, it
is well past done.  WGLC ended on Aug 7, 2020 [0].)

I will be shepherding this draft, however, I see a problem with it.

I note that the draft only received one WGLC review , and this was from
Danny [1].  My understanding from list discussion [2] is that Luis was to
provide a second review, but I do not see the second WGLC review.  If I am
mistaken, please let me know and I will apologize profusely.  In the event
that there has not been a second WGLC review ...

If a second review is provided, please be advised that the draft will not
move ahead.  Since other drafts have a dependency on this draft, a lack of
movement of unified-properties implies that progress of dependent drafts
stops as well.

I will kindly request Luis to provide a WGLC no later than Oct 09, two
weeks from now.  If other list members want to review the draft in addition
to Luis, please let Jan and me know.  We do need one more quality review
for unified-properties to move ahead.  If a second review is not provided
by Oct 09, the chairs will take this as advice that the work is no longer
important to the WG, and the WG will have to decide on the fate of
dependent documents.

@Authors: It looks like Danny's comments have not yet been incorporated in
a new revision.  Danny reviewed version -12 and that appears to be the
latest version in the IETF archives.  Please notify the WG on your plans to
update the draft based on Danny's comments.



- vijay
alto mailing list

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