Hi Lars,

I'm initiating a discussion about the value of the document deliverables in
the charter. Meanwhile, I've already edited the charter to be a little more
explicit why the routing WG activities are  called out in the text.

Thanks for your comments.

On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 7:46 AM Peng Liu <liupeng...@chinamobile.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Indeed, Amin's speech in sigcomm NAI 2021 inspired me a lot. I hope ALTO
> can be rechartered to cover more networking use cases, such as our
> computing aware networking use case and requirements. we really want to
> investigate how ALTO can be integrated into our work and serve as one of
> key components in our framework. Yes, we are looking for more help and
> input on this topic.
> Regards,
> Peng
> Peng Liu | 刘鹏
> China Mobile | 移动研究院
> mobile phone:13810146105
> email: * liupeng...@chinamobile.com <liupeng...@chinamobile.com>*
> *From:* Y. Richard Yang <y...@cs.yale.edu>
> *Date:* 2021-08-24 22:42
> *To:* Lars Eggert <l...@eggert.org>
> *CC:* IETF ALTO <alto@ietf.org>; alto-cha...@ietf.org; Qin Wu
> <bill...@huawei.com>; The IESG <i...@ietf.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [alto] charter-ietf-alto-04-01
> Hi Lars,
> I saw your comment and have to chime in.
> I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment: "Overall, I remain
> unconvinced that there is sufficient work/interest in this space to warrant
> a chartered WG." I am not sure if you attended the NAI@SIGCOMM'21
> Workshop yesterday. There was clearly a huge interest and work in the
> space. The title of Amin Vahdat's talk is "Application-Defined Networking",
> as "It now opens the next wave of opportunities toward Application-Defined
> Networking, Where application efficiency metrics drive network control
> configuration policy, Integration into compute and storage infrastructure→
> job placement, replication, Visibility into distributed systems structure,
> including Load Balancing, Thread Scheduling, RPCs, RDMA, and Collectives",
> using the sentences from the keynote. Now, let's go more specific to ALTO
> and to engineering. The work of Flow Director, in the scope of ALTO, was
> reported in CoNEXT'19 (https://gsmaragd.github.io/publications/CoNEXT2019/).
> Luis mentioned ongoing deployment efforts at Telefonica; there is the
> on-going deployment of ALTO at the Greater Bay Network, which is a large,
> among the most-advanced networks covering Shenzhen, Hong Kong; there is the
> ongoing MoWIE work, based on and the need to extend ALTO, by China Mobile
> and Tencent...  I agree that ALTO is far far far from taking over the
> world, but I have a totally different assessment.
> If when you say that there is not sufficient work, you mean that *the
> charter* does not include sufficient work. This is by design and good
> guidance: the WG substantially limits the scope of the recharter to
> consolidate the WG in the short term, and there was a huge disappointment
> from many industry parties on the removing of their work from the charter
> discussions---not sure if you attended some of the recharter discussions,
> there was a large amount of proposed work but they were mostly removed.
> Please see below.
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 9:29 AM Lars Eggert <l...@eggert.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2021-8-24, at 16:07, Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com> wrote:
>> > Thank you for reviewing the proposed re-charter of the ALTO working
>> group.
>> > > It's not clear to me why this effort would need a chartered WG vs.
>> just a
>> > > mailing list and/or a wiki.
>  A chartered WG has many benefits. As one example, multiple participants
> spend huge efforts on the ALTO work and bring "human resources" to IETF; an
> informal mailing list/wiki will be harder to justify the efforts. I assume
> that many IETF WGs can also operate mostly as a mailing list/wiki; then the
> participation can be lower, it will be harder to maintain scope, to meet
> deadlines. We feel that the WG recharter has wonderful guidance to be
> focused, to be timely.
>> > >> o Develop operational support tools for ALTO.
>> > >
> See above.
>> > > I'm not aware of any larger-scale product deployments of ALTO - do
>> some exists?
> See some examples above.
> > > Otherwise, I question whether operational tools can effectively be
>> developed
>> > > without relevant operational experience.
>> > There is big suggestion that the reason for no larger-scale product
>> deployment of ALTO is because missing operational support tools.
>> > It is big mistake to make protocol without operational support.
>> > We saw this happen many times with OAM added much later. It make the
>> protocol hard to use and is bad for operator.
>> Would you point me at a discussion where this lack of operational support
>> was brought up by a potential large-scale deployer as a reason to not
>> deploy ALTO?
> The issue of lacking operational support was not proposed by academics,
> but by people from the operator sides, during ALTO meetings, e..g., by Lyle
> Bertz (T-Mobile), Luis (Telefonica). The main complexity discussed by the
> Steering Giants report was mostly operational.
> > >> o Support for modern transport protocols. ALTO only uses the
>> capabilities of
>> > >> HTTP version 1. Since then, the IETF has developed HTTP/2 and
>> HTTP/3. The
>> > >> working group will develop any necessary protocol extensions and
>> guidance to
>> > >> support the use of ALTO over HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.
>> > >
>> > > This seems to fall under the "protocol maintenance" bullet above, so
>> I'm not
>> > > clear why this is a separate bullet. As stated above, this could be
>> done in
>> > > TSVWG if anyone cared.
>> >
>> > All work on a protocol after first RFC is “protocol maintenance”. We
>> could write charter as single bullet “Do protocol maintenance” but that is
>> not helpful to guide participants and make AD manage WG.
>> I'll note that the charter actually does contain a bullet to "perform
>> protocol maintenance", which is why I pointed out the overlap?
>> > Also, this is big and important next step to make ALTO more relevant
>> and useable in current Internet.
>> What particular features of H2 and H3 would make ALTO more relevant and
>> deployable in the current Internet? H2 or H3 do not obsolete H1.
> SSE is an important feature; see Sec. 4.3.3 of aforementioned CoNEXT19.
> SSE is much cleaner using H2/H3.
>> > > "HTTP ", paragraph 1, comment:
>> > >> o Future use cases. The working group will provide a forum to
>> discuss possible
>> > >> future use cases.
>> > >
>> > > This discussion can be done on a mailing list without the need for a
>> chartered
>> > > WG.
>> >
>> > Yes, everything (even QUIC) can be done on mailing list without need
>> for a WG.
>> Actually, no. Specifications cannot (easily) be published without a WG.
>> Discussions, on the other hand, can be had.
>> > This item was added to draft charter after discussion with AD. The
>> purpose is to scope this short term re-charter – if WG cannot show
>> meaningful future use cases then there is no long future for WG.
>> Noted.
> Thanks,
> Richard
>> Thanks,
>> Lars
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