Hi Med, Qin and ALTO WG

Thanks a lot for initiating this discussion and your options proposal.

I definitely prefer Proposal #3: Support ALTO extensions for the new industry 

Thanks a lot to Jordi's insights on this option, that I share. ALTO WG may also 
want to work on abstraction of compute metrics and exposure, in relation to 
other IETF WG that would look at these matters. As a previous example, 
draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics-28 (in RFC Ed queue) was done in 
coordination with the IPPM WG.

Kind regards,

From: alto <alto-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of mohamed.boucad...@orange.com
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 8:12 AM
To: Jordi Ros Giralt <j...@qti.qualcomm.com>; Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com>
Cc: alto@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [alto] Discussion on the future of ALTO WG

Hi Jordi, all,

Only some logistic comments, not reacting to any expressed views so far:

  *   We created a page at 
 to track the various proposals (yours is posted there), challenge them, enrich 
them, add rebuttals, etc.
  *   For your logistic comment, we organized on purpose an interim meeting to 
offload the IETF#116 agenda and let other I-Ds be presented and discussed. We 
scheduled 4 other interims till end of May. We really need some focus at this 



De : Jordi Ros Giralt <j...@qti.qualcomm.com<mailto:j...@qti.qualcomm.com>>
Envoyé : jeudi 23 mars 2023 00:13
À : Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com<mailto:bill...@huawei.com>>; BOUCADAIR Mohamed 
INNOV/NET <mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com>>
Cc : alto@ietf.org<mailto:alto@ietf.org>
Objet : Re: [alto] Discussion on the future of ALTO WG

Hi Med, Qin,

Here is my feedback to your analysis below.

I would like to start with a note. The ALTO team has brought (and continues to 
bring) a lot of positive energy (development of RFCs, deployments of the 
standard at major carriers and new deployments that are in the making, running 
code via the development of the open source project OpenALTO, consistent 
participation on IETF hackathons usually with multiple parallel projects/demos, 
chairing important forums such as SIGCOMM NAI to incorporate feedback into the 
WG from the broad spectrum of industry and academic players, etc.), but it is 
also true that much of the (even larger) potential energy of the group has been 
locked for quite some time as the group has not been allowed to discuss the new 
critical topics that we want to bring from our industry needs. We've all being 
waiting for this moment, to be able to discuss the new topics and unlock yet 
another level of positive energy into the IETF; and so, it is at the minimum 
surprising that the only two options being proposed are either (1) recharter 
with just a focus of working on protocol maintenance or (2) close the WG and 
move our current work to other WGs or RGs.

I have two broad comments, one on the proposed options and another one on the 
logistics to make a proper decision.

On the proposed options:


I would like to suggest adding a 3rd proposal, which I believe is what much of 
us have been working for, for quite some time:

# Proposal #3: Support ALTO extension for the new industry needs.

## Rationale:

  *   Many I-Ds have been proposed describing the importance of leveraging ALTO 
key core architecture to enable the new industry needs, where close cooperation 
between the application and the network is critical.
  *   Allowing these extensions would enable the group to grow and unlock its 
true potential, also attracting other industry players that have been writing 
ALTO I-Ds, but not fully joined us yet because their proposals were tagged as 
being out of the scope for the current charter.
  *   Lots of positive energy and determination in the WG, as we understand the 
potential positive impact (better application performance).
  *   The proposed work can't be done in other groups, and even if we tried to 
do so, it would be improper from an architecture/engineering standpoint. For 
instance, trying to move the exposure of compute information for determining 
edge services to CATS is not viable since "Exposure of network and compute 
conditions to applications is not in the scope of CATS" [1]. ALTO is 
inherently/by definition very well positioned here, since it's designed to 
expose such kind of information to the application, that is key to the industry 
problems we are working to resolve.
  *   There is a natural, coherent story for ALTO, which started from P2P 
networks, then CDNs, and now it's moving into edge computing, where the 
application requires more than ever to cooperate closely to meet stringent 
throughput and delay requirements.
  *   There is a belief that the ALTO WG has been running for a very long time, 
but this in general is not a good technical reason to base a rechartering 
decision on. From the abovementioned trend standpoint, keeping ALTO open to 
provide the IETF a platform for close application-network integration appears 
more important than ever before.

## Proposed direction of work:
·Recharter the WG with a focus on ALTO to cover both maintenance and the new 
industry needs (where such needs are currently being discussed in the ALTO WG 
internal meetings and mailing list, see also my next comment on logistics).

[1] CATS charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-cats/

On the logistics to make a proper decision:

This is of course a very important decision, so it's also important that we as 
a group provide the right discussion environment to make a proper decision. For 
instance, various members of the WG have been working on various I-Ds to enable 
a discussion of the proposed new charter items. Yet during IETF 116, the group 
is only given 20 minutes to discuss 5 different I-Ds that are proposed topics 
for the recharter. This is not sufficient time to enable a proper discussion on 
these important topics. Granted, the ALTO WG meets every week, and we can have 
further conversations offline, but the IETF Meetings are a great place to have 
these discussions in person and to open them up to people outside the group to 
collect feedback. I would encourage providing proper time while we are in Japan 
to discuss these topics and continue to discuss them thereafter via interim 
meetings. (During 116, getting 30 minutes would be better than 20, getting 40 
minutes would be even better.)




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