RE: I've added some text ... to the manual ... (about the case sensitivity
of call signs)


RE bugs/features:

I'm a software engineer and way back in the 80's someone showed me a
(paper!) cartoon
that showed a anthropomorphic bug with the caption "bug" and next to it the
same bug dressed up in a tuxedo
with the caption "feature" :-)

(Not that I'm saying the case sensitivity is a bug. I just thought this was
apropos  RE you're bug/feature comment)

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Bdale Garbee <> wrote:

> Peter Hackett <> writes:
> > BTW a friend of mine thinks that this feature is a bug.
> Someone once told me that the only difference between features and bugs
> is that features are documented...  ;-)
> The objective of requiring the ground station to be configured with the
> callsign of the flight computer to successfully command the flight
> computer is to avoid accidentally commanding the wrong flight computer
> at a launch where lots of people are flying Altus Metrum products.  It
> won't prevent malicious attacks, but it goes a long way toward reducing
> accidents... and was specifically requested by several of our early
> customers.
> > My take: case sensitivity should be more prominently featured in the
> > manual (or noted if it isn't currently in the manual.)
> Really appreciate your mentioning this.  I've added some text about the
> callsign matching and case sensitivity to the manual sources.  Will be
> in the next release.
> Bdale
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