On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >Here is my amanda.conf file with respect to the holding disk - 
> >...
> >    use -500Mb ...
> That's OK.
> >    chunksize -1 ...
> This is not related to your problem, but you should change this at
> some point to something like "1000 Mb".
> >Is the use wrong?
> It might be a little large (why not let Amanda have almost all of that
> file system?), but is probably not the problem.  Much as I hate to do
> this :-), please post the entire amdump.1 file that goes with this run.
> It's the only way we'll be able to tell what was going on.
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Denise E. Ives                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Engineer                        734.822.2037

Multilingual Internet Domain Name Registrations - http://www.walid.com
amdump: start at Fri Nov  3 01:15:00 EST 2000
planner: pid 14161 executable /usr/local/pkg/amanda-2.4.1p1/libexec/planner version 
planner: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.1p1"
planner:        BUILT_DATE="Tue Oct 17 14:52:15 GMT 2000"
planner:        BUILT_MACH="SunOS sundev1.corp.walid.com 5.8 Generic sun4u sparc 
planner:        CC="gcc"
planner: paths: bindir="/usr/local/pkg/amanda-2.4.1p1/bin"
planner:        sbindir="/usr/local/pkg/amanda-2.4.1p1/sbin"
planner:        libexecdir="/usr/local/pkg/amanda-2.4.1p1/libexec"
planner:        mandir="/usr/local/pkg/amanda-2.4.1p1/man"
planner:        CONFIG_DIR="/usr/local/pkg/amanda-2.4.1p1/etc/amanda"
planner:        DEV_PREFIX="/dev/dsk/" RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/rdsk/"
planner:        DUMP="/usr/sbin/ufsdump" RESTORE="/usr/sbin/ufsrestore"
planner:        GNUTAR="/usr/local/bin/tar" COMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip"
planner:        UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip" MAILER="/usr/ucb/Mail"
planner: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER="sundev1.corp.walid.com"
planner:        DEFAULT_CONFIG="daily"
planner:        DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER="sundev1.corp.walid.com"
planner:        DEFAULT_TAPE_DEVICE="/dev/rmt/0bn" HAVE_MMAP HAVE_SYSVSHM
planner:        COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz" COMPRESS_FAST_OPT="--fast"
planner:        COMPRESS_BEST_OPT="--best" UNCOMPRESS_OPT="-dc"
startup took 0.025 secs

setting up estimates for sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s0
sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s0 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s0: command 0, options:
    last_level 1 next_level0 -11 level_days 2
    getting estimates 0 (2049855) 1 (255) 2 (0)
setting up estimates for sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s3
sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s3 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s3: command 0, options:
    last_level 2 next_level0 -11 level_days 1
    getting estimates 0 (481183) 2 (52991) 3 (0)
setting up estimates for sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s7
sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s7 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s7: command 0, options:
    last_level 0 next_level0 -11 level_days 0
    getting estimates 0 (5101407) 1 (737663) -1 (-1)
setting up estimates for admin1.corp.walid.com:sda6
admin1.corp.walid.com:sda6 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: admin1.corp.walid.com:sda6: command 0, options:
    last_level 1 next_level0 -11 level_days 2
    getting estimates 0 (93824) 1 (490) 2 (0)
setting up estimates for admin1.corp.walid.com:sda3
driver: pid 14160 executable /usr/local/pkg/amanda-2.4.1p1/libexec/driver version 
driver: send-cmd time 0.022 to taper: START-TAPER 20001103
admin1.corp.walid.com:sda3 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: admin1.corp.walid.com:sda3: command 0, options:
    last_level 1 next_level0 -11 level_days 2
    getting estimates 0 (6020) 1 (19) 2 (0)
setting up estimates for admin1.corp.walid.com:sda5
admin1.corp.walid.com:sda5 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: admin1.corp.walid.com:sda5: command 0, options:
    last_level 1 next_level0 -11 level_days 2
    getting estimates 0 (1594953) 1 (3698) 2 (0)
setting up estimates for admin1.corp.walid.com:sda10
admin1.corp.walid.com:sda10 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: admin1.corp.walid.com:sda10: command 0, options:
    last_level 0 next_level0 -11 level_days 0
    getting estimates 0 (4550177) 1 (0) -1 (-1)
setting up estimates for admin1.corp.walid.com:sda9
admin1.corp.walid.com:sda9 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: admin1.corp.walid.com:sda9: command 0, options:
    last_level 1 next_level0 -11 level_days 2
    getting estimates 0 (58442) 1 (48454) 2 (0)
setting up estimates for admin1.corp.walid.com:sda2
taper: pid 14162 executable taper version 2.4.1p1
admin1.corp.walid.com:sda2 overdue 11 days for level 0
setup_estimate: admin1.corp.walid.com:sda2: command 0, options:
    last_level 1 next_level0 -11 level_days 1
    getting estimates 0 (250246) 1 (622675) 2 (0)
setting up estimates took 0.043 secs

driver: started dumper0 pid 14168
driver: started dumper1 pid 14169
driver: started dumper2 pid 14170
driver: started dumper3 pid 14171
dumper: pid 14170 executable dumper version 2.4.1p1, using port 858
dumper: pid 14171 executable dumper version 2.4.1p1, using port 859
dumper: pid 14169 executable dumper version 2.4.1p1, using port 857
dumper: pid 14168 executable dumper version 2.4.1p1, using port 856
got result for host admin1.corp.walid.com disk sda2: 0 -> 323159K, 1 -> 322262K, 2 -> 
got result for host admin1.corp.walid.com disk sda9: 0 -> 70749K, 1 -> 53715K, 2 -> 
got result for host admin1.corp.walid.com disk sda10: 0 -> 6949244K, 1 -> 5073111K, -1 
-> -1K
got result for host admin1.corp.walid.com disk sda5: 0 -> 1463826K, 1 -> 8463K, 2 -> 
got result for host admin1.corp.walid.com disk sda3: 0 -> 6019K, 1 -> 19K, 2 -> 16K
got result for host admin1.corp.walid.com disk sda6: 0 -> 87066K, 1 -> 940K, 2 -> 592K
got result for host sundev1.corp.walid.com disk c0t0d0s7: 0 -> 3245837K, 1 -> 180778K, 
-1 -> -1K
got result for host sundev1.corp.walid.com disk c0t0d0s3: 0 -> 271795K, 2 -> 73995K, 3 
-> 63245K
got result for host sundev1.corp.walid.com disk c0t0d0s0: 0 -> 2157333K, 1 -> 63891K, 
2 -> 63847K
getting estimates took 132.321 secs
  0: admin1.corp.walid.com sda2
  1: admin1.corp.walid.com sda9
  2: admin1.corp.walid.com sda10
  3: admin1.corp.walid.com sda5
  4: admin1.corp.walid.com sda3
  5: admin1.corp.walid.com sda6
  6: sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s7
  7: sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s3
  8: sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s0

pondering admin1.corp.walid.com:sda2... next_level0 -11 last_level 1 (due for level 0) 
(picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   pick: size 322262 level 1 days 1 (thresh 0K, 0 days)
   pick: next size 63756... BUMPED
  curr level 0 size 323159 total size 323555 total_lev0 323159 balanced-lev0size 40394
pondering admin1.corp.walid.com:sda9... next_level0 -11 last_level 1 (due for level 0) 
(picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   pick: size 53715 level 1 days 2 (thresh 0K, 0 days)
   pick: next size 52907... BUMPED
  curr level 0 size 70749 total size 394436 total_lev0 393908 balanced-lev0size 49237
pondering admin1.corp.walid.com:sda10... next_level0 -11 last_level 0 (due for level 
0) (picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   picklev: last night 0, so tonight level 1
  curr level 0 size 6949244 total size 7343812 total_lev0 7343152 balanced-lev0size 
pondering admin1.corp.walid.com:sda5... next_level0 -11 last_level 1 (due for level 0) 
(picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   pick: size 8463 level 1 days 2 (thresh 0K, 0 days)
   pick: next size 6016... BUMPED
  curr level 0 size 1463826 total size 8807770 total_lev0 8806978 balanced-lev0size 
pondering admin1.corp.walid.com:sda3... next_level0 -11 last_level 1 (due for level 0) 
(picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   pick: size 19 level 1 days 2 (thresh 0K, 0 days)
   pick: next size 16... BUMPED
  curr level 0 size 6019 total size 8813921 total_lev0 8812997 balanced-lev0size 
pondering admin1.corp.walid.com:sda6... next_level0 -11 last_level 1 (due for level 0) 
(picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   pick: size 940 level 1 days 2 (thresh 0K, 0 days)
   pick: next size 592... BUMPED
  curr level 0 size 87066 total size 8901119 total_lev0 8900063 balanced-lev0size 
pondering sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s7... next_level0 -11 last_level 0 (due for 
level 0) (picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   picklev: last night 0, so tonight level 1
  curr level 0 size 3245837 total size 12147088 total_lev0 12145900 balanced-lev0size 
pondering sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s3... next_level0 -11 last_level 2 (due for 
level 0) (picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   pick: size 73995 level 2 days 1 (thresh 0K, 0 days)
   pick: next size 63245... BUMPED
  curr level 0 size 271795 total size 12419015 total_lev0 12417695 balanced-lev0size 
pondering sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s0... next_level0 -11 last_level 1 (due for 
level 0) (picking inclevel for degraded mode)
   pick: size 63891 level 1 days 2 (thresh 0K, 0 days)
   pick: next size 63847... BUMPED
  curr level 0 size 2157333 total size 14576480 total_lev0 14575028 balanced-lev0size 
INITIAL SCHEDULE (size 14576480):
  admin1.corp.walid.com sda10 pri 13 lev 0 size 6949244
  sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s7 pri 13 lev 0 size 3245837
  sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s0 pri 13 lev 0 size 2157333
  admin1.corp.walid.com sda5 pri 13 lev 0 size 1463826
  admin1.corp.walid.com sda2 pri 13 lev 0 size 323159
  sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s3 pri 13 lev 0 size 271795
  admin1.corp.walid.com sda6 pri 13 lev 0 size 87066
  admin1.corp.walid.com sda9 pri 13 lev 0 size 70749
  admin1.corp.walid.com sda3 pri 13 lev 0 size 6019

DELAYING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_size 14576480, tape length 36700160 mark 100
  delay: Total size now 14576480.

PROMOTING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_lev0 14575028, balanced_size 1821874...
analysis took 0.142 secs

admin1.corp.walid.com sda10 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 6949244 2323 1 2000:10:23:15:35:2 
5073111 169103
sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s7 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 3245837 1127 1 2000:10:23:16:0:15 
180778 82
sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s0 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 2157333 711 2 2000:11:2:6:17:9 
63847 201
admin1.corp.walid.com sda5 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 1463826 393 2 2000:11:2:6:17:12 6016 30
admin1.corp.walid.com sda2 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 323159 50 2 2000:11:2:6:18:13 63756 8
sundev1.corp.walid.com c0t0d0s3 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 271795 80 3 2000:11:2:6:17:48 
63245 29
admin1.corp.walid.com sda6 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 87066 11 2 2000:11:2:6:17:9 592 3
admin1.corp.walid.com sda9 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 70749 8 2 2000:11:2:6:17:42 52907 5
admin1.corp.walid.com sda3 13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 6019 0 2 2000:11:2:6:17:9 16 0
driver: adding holding disk 0 dir /dump/amanda size 9465052
reserving 9465052 out of 9465052 for degraded-mode dumps
driver: start time 132.610 inparallel 4 bandwidth 15400 diskspace 9465052 dir OBSOLETE 
datestamp 20001103 driver: drain-ends tapeq LFFO big-dumpers 1
driver: result time 132.610 from taper: TAPE-ERROR [no tape online]
dump of driver schedule before start degraded mode:
  admin1.cor sda3 lv 0 t     0 s     6051 p 13
  admin1.cor sda9 lv 0 t     8 s    70781 p 13
  admin1.cor sda6 lv 0 t    11 s    87098 p 13
  admin1.cor sda2 lv 0 t    50 s   323191 p 13
  sundev1.co c0t0d0s3 lv 0 t    80 s   271827 p 13
  admin1.cor sda5 lv 0 t   393 s  1463858 p 13
  sundev1.co c0t0d0s0 lv 0 t   711 s  2157365 p 13
  sundev1.co c0t0d0s7 lv 0 t  1127 s  3245869 p 13
  admin1.cor sda10 lv 0 t  2323 s  6949276 p 13
dump of driver schedule after start degraded mode:
  admin1.cor sda3 lv 2 t     0 s       48 p 13
  admin1.cor sda9 lv 2 t     5 s    52939 p 13
  admin1.cor sda6 lv 2 t     3 s      624 p 13
  admin1.cor sda2 lv 2 t     8 s    63788 p 13
  sundev1.co c0t0d0s3 lv 3 t    29 s    63277 p 13
  admin1.cor sda5 lv 2 t    30 s     6048 p 13
  sundev1.co c0t0d0s0 lv 2 t   201 s    63879 p 13
  sundev1.co c0t0d0s7 lv 1 t    82 s   180810 p 13
  admin1.cor sda10 lv 1 t 169103 s  5073143 p 13
driver: send-cmd time 132.636 to dumper0: FILE-DUMP 00-00001 
/dump/amanda/20001103/admin1.corp.walid.com.sda3.2 admin1.corp.walid.com sda3 2 
2000:11:2:6:17:9 -2097087 DUMP |;bsd-auth;index;
driver: send-cmd time 132.636 to dumper1: FILE-DUMP 01-00002 
/dump/amanda/20001103/sundev1.corp.walid.com.c0t0d0s3.3 sundev1.corp.walid.com 
c0t0d0s3 3 2000:11:2:6:17:48 -2097087 DUMP |;bsd-auth;index;
driver: state time 132.636 free kps: 13210 space: 9401727 taper: DOWN idle-dumpers: 2 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 7 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle: no-bandwidth
driver: interface-state time 132.636 if : free 7810 if HME0: free 10000 if LE0: free 
10000 if LOCAL: free 10000
driver: hdisk-state time 132.636 hdisk 0: free 9401727 dumpers 2
driver: result time 133.074 from dumper0: DONE 00-00001 17 32 0 [sec 0.253 kb 32 kps 
126.4 orig-kb 17]
driver: finished-cmd time 133.176 dumper0 dumped admin1.corp.walid.com:sda3
driver: send-cmd time 133.176 to dumper0: FILE-DUMP 00-00003 
/dump/amanda/20001103/admin1.corp.walid.com.sda6.2 admin1.corp.walid.com sda6 2 
2000:11:2:6:17:9 -2097087 DUMP |;bsd-auth;index;
driver: state time 133.176 free kps: 13023 space: 9401087 taper: DOWN idle-dumpers: 2 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 6 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle: no-bandwidth
driver: interface-state time 133.176 if : free 7623 if HME0: free 10000 if LE0: free 
10000 if LOCAL: free 10000
driver: hdisk-state time 133.176 hdisk 0: free 9401087 dumpers 2
driver: result time 136.062 from dumper0: DONE 00-00003 1163 1184 3 [sec 2.820 kb 1184 
kps 419.8 orig-kb 1163]
driver: finished-cmd time 136.334 dumper0 dumped admin1.corp.walid.com:sda6
driver: send-cmd time 136.334 to dumper0: FILE-DUMP 00-00004 
/dump/amanda/20001103/admin1.corp.walid.com.sda5.2 admin1.corp.walid.com sda5 2 
2000:11:2:6:17:12 -2097087 DUMP |;bsd-auth;index;
driver: state time 136.343 free kps: 13020 space: 9394447 taper: DOWN idle-dumpers: 2 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 5 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle: no-bandwidth
driver: interface-state time 136.343 if : free 7620 if HME0: free 10000 if LE0: free 
10000 if LOCAL: free 10000
driver: hdisk-state time 136.343 hdisk 0: free 9394447 dumpers 2
driver: result time 157.584 from dumper1: DONE 01-00002 63263 63296 24 [sec 24.061 kb 
63296 kps 2630.6 orig-kb 63263]
driver: finished-cmd time 157.687 dumper1 dumped sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s3
driver: send-cmd time 157.687 to dumper1: FILE-DUMP 01-00005 
/dump/amanda/20001103/sundev1.corp.walid.com.c0t0d0s0.2 sundev1.corp.walid.com 
c0t0d0s0 2 2000:11:2:6:17:9 -2097087 DUMP |;bsd-auth;index;
driver: state time 157.687 free kps: 14883 space: 9330517 taper: DOWN idle-dumpers: 2 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 4 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle: no-bandwidth
driver: interface-state time 157.687 if : free 9483 if HME0: free 10000 if LE0: free 
10000 if LOCAL: free 10000
driver: hdisk-state time 157.687 hdisk 0: free 9330517 dumpers 2
driver: result time 157.769 from dumper0: DONE 00-00004 6274 6272 21 [sec 21.361 kb 
6272 kps 293.6 orig-kb 6274]
driver: finished-cmd time 157.909 dumper0 dumped admin1.corp.walid.com:sda5
driver: send-cmd time 157.909 to dumper0: FILE-DUMP 00-00006 
/dump/amanda/20001103/admin1.corp.walid.com.sda2.2 admin1.corp.walid.com sda2 2 
2000:11:2:6:18:13 -2097087 DUMP |;bsd-auth;index;
driver: state time 157.909 free kps: 7114 space: 9266473 taper: DOWN idle-dumpers: 2 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 3 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle: no-bandwidth
driver: interface-state time 157.909 if : free 1714 if HME0: free 10000 if LE0: free 
10000 if LOCAL: free 10000
driver: hdisk-state time 157.909 hdisk 0: free 9266473 dumpers 2
driver: result time 179.407 from dumper0: DONE 00-00006 63793 63808 21 [sec 20.613 kb 
63808 kps 3095.4 orig-kb 63793]
driver: finished-cmd time 179.550 dumper0 dumped admin1.corp.walid.com:sda2
driver: state time 179.550 free kps: 15083 space: 9266421 taper: DOWN idle-dumpers: 3 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 3 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle: no-bandwidth
driver: interface-state time 179.550 if : free 9683 if HME0: free 10000 if LE0: free 
10000 if LOCAL: free 10000
driver: hdisk-state time 179.550 hdisk 0: free 9266421 dumpers 1
driver: result time 209.902 from dumper1: DONE 01-00005 63839 63872 52 [sec 51.977 kb 
63872 kps 1228.8 orig-kb 63839]
driver: finished-cmd time 210.009 dumper1 dumped sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s0
driver: send-cmd time 210.009 to dumper0: FILE-DUMP 00-00007 
/dump/amanda/20001103/sundev1.corp.walid.com.c0t0d0s7.1 sundev1.corp.walid.com 
c0t0d0s7 1 2000:10:23:16:0:15 -2097087 DUMP |;bsd-auth;index;
driver: state time 210.009 free kps: 13196 space: 9085586 taper: DOWN idle-dumpers: 3 
qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 2 stoppedq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle: no-bandwidth
driver: interface-state time 210.009 if : free 7796 if HME0: free 10000 if LE0: free 
10000 if LOCAL: free 10000
driver: hdisk-state time 210.009 hdisk 0: free 9085586 dumpers 1
driver: result time 320.172 from dumper0: DONE 00-00007 180767 180800 110 [sec 109.887 
kb 180800 kps 1645.3 orig-kb 180767]
driver: finished-cmd time 320.241 dumper0 dumped sundev1.corp.walid.com:c0t0d0s7
driver: QUITTING time 320.241 telling children to quit
driver: send-cmd time 320.241 to taper: QUIT
Broken Pipe
amdump: end at Fri Nov  3 01:20:21 EST 2000

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