i would say more than you think...... ;-)

Yura Pismerov schrieb:
> Johannes Niess wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > As part of our Linux user group meetings, I'll give an introduction to
> > tapes on Linux and an overview of Amanda.
> >
> > Place: Rechenzentrum der Uni Bonn, Wegelerstr.
> > Date:  November 8th, 19:30 h
> > More details: http://bolug.uni-bonn.de/news
> > Language of presentation: German
>         How many people here can read German ? :)
> >
> > LaTeX and Postscript versions of the slides are available on request
> > (as long as numbers stay low...)
> >
> > Johannes Niess
> --
>     Yuri Pismerov, TUCOWS.COM INC.      (416) 535-0123  ext. 352

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