
> Amcheck tests and reports on all of these conditions.  Didn't you put it
> into your nightly backup script as suggested in the install guide?

Yes. And amdump still dies with no error if one of them doesn't work.
Personally, I would be inclined to set the logic to:

* can't write to /tmp
 - tough
 - having looked at /tmp/amanda the stuff in there is NOT important at
all to an AMANDA backup that otherwise would function

* can't write to amandates
 - serious problem
 - do a level 0 dump of everything, email off how to MANUALLY fix this

* can't write to dumpdates
 - same as amandates

> /tmp itself is supposed to be world read/write, even user nobody can
> write there under most unixes.  If /tmp isn't world writable all kinds
> of things break.  I wouldn't hold this one against Amanda...

The fact that it can die, without a trace and no error is rather
unnerving. As I said above, I consider the backups far more important
than the debug data in /tmp/amanda (call me strange, but amanda is free
but if I lose the data we lose thousands)....

Do you believe in life after love?
 I can feel something inside me, say
 I really don't think you're strong enough....

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