On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 at 2:34pm, Mark Berger wrote

> Hi,

Hi.  These types of questions really belong only on amanda-users.  So
that's where I've responded, and set follow-ups.

> I  was inspired to mess with the Amanda program for the nth time recently.

If you devote just a little more time to your "messing with", I bet you'll
be very pleased.

> What I cannot seem to figure out is supposing I have 8 machines  ( 1 main
> server & 7 others) & want to do a full backup of the main server every night
> & a full backup of one other machine per day either in rotation or ad-hoc
> how can I persuade amanda to allow me to label / rotate tapes manually &
> always do a full backup of the specified machine?

This is easy.  In your amanda.conf, you specify a dumpcycle of 7 days, and
runspercycle of 7 (assuming you're going to run amanda every day).  Your
tapecycle should be at least 8, but make it as long as you need a history

Where you handle the "full of this machine every day, full of these others
once a week" is in the disklist.  For the machine you want a full backup
of everyday, you use, e.g., a dumptype like "always-full" which, in its
definition, includes "dumpcycle 0".  For the others, you use a different
dumptype, e.g., comp-user, with no dumpcycle definition.

This is exactly what I do.  I do full backups of all my machines' /var and
/ partitions every night, and rotate full backups of everybody's /home

> It appears to me that much effort has gone into the scheduling etc but I am
> completely unclear as to how I might just say "backup machine (
> or whatever ) in full to whatever tape happens to be in the drive - no
> arguments - no wrong tape etc just do it!" . - Or for that matter restore a
> file / group of files from tape in drive to machine
> xx.xx.xx.xx:/directory/subdirectory

Restoring is handled by amrecover (for picking and choosing) and amrestore
(for getting an entire dump image), which both have very informative man

Hope this helps.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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