>No NFS involved. Permissions on killprgrp:
>-rwsr-x---    1 root     backup      78558 Nov  3 13:21 killpgrp*

Ummm, your xinetd line says to run things as group "disk", and user
"backup".  That combination does not have access to execute killpgrp.

I assume you said --with-group=backup since it got installed this way?
Why not put that in xinetd.conf and then add "disk" as an alternate
group for user "backup"?

>Permissions look ok:
>brw-r-----    1 root     disk       3,   6 Sep 27 06:31 hda6

Yup, they do.  What happens if you run this by hand as user "backup":

  /sbin/dump 0Ssf 1048576 - /dev/hda6 > /dev/null

>Joshua Warchol

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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