I have three simple questions:

1)  I am getting warning messages like:

bandai     c0t2d0s3 lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump 
new disk]
  bandai     c0t2d0s0 lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump 
new disk]
  tyco       c0t5d0s1 lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump 
new disk]
  tyco       c0t5d0s0 lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump 
new disk]
  cs         c0t0d0s5 lev 7 FAILED [writing file: short write]

But the holding disk is far bigger than the areas that are trying to be backed
up and the amanda.conf allocates almost all of it to backups.  We dont know 
why this is happening.  The machines are all comp-user dump types.

2)  If I want to perform multiple dumps in the same day in order to 
try to fix some of the backup problems I am having, will that seriously 
mess with the date accounting software, the stuff that records dumpdates etc?

3)  Which is the setting that gives the best compression on a fast system where
time is not an issue?  comp-user, comp-root, comp-high


Michael Campfield
Computer Science Department
University of Tennessee

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