I' ve just set up amanda on an almost Standard-PC in a small network.
I edited the sample files in /etc/amanda to fit my needs.

First  I tried to do a Test-backup of my own Computer.
But "amcheck -c DailySet1" complains about (output follows):
>Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
>WARNING: localhost: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
>WARNING: fire: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
>Client check: 2 hosts checked in 30.047 seconds, 2 problems found.
>(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.1p1)
Fire is a different Server in our network.

My own pc as well as Fire have the amanda-clients installed, but the
server does not seem to get a connection to them.
/etc/serveices seems to be OK :
>amanda          10080/udp                       # amanda backup
>kamanda         10081/tcp                       # amanda backup
services (Kerberos)
>kamanda         10081/udp                       # amanda backup
services (Kerberos)
>amandaidx       10082/tcp                       # amanda backup
>amidxtape       10083/tcp                       # amanda backup
/etc/xinetd.d  contains (among others) the files amandidx and amidxtape.

In each of them I added a line "banner = /amandaidx.banner" (or
amidxtape.banner, respectively)
Each of the banner files contains only a message saying the service was
But I never get the messages.
I tried the same trick with telnet, and there  I got a message just
before the username question!
There is no output in /var/lib/amanda.

My Questions:
Is it true that You can't read from a port on Your loopback device You
are writing to?
A friend(a Win NT guru) told me so. If its true , what good is a
loopback device anyway?

Why are the amandidx and amidxtape services disabled by default(as
stated in their
respective files in /etc/xinetd.d)?

Why are there files for amandidx and amidxtape, but not for amanda
Do I have to run amanda as user operator or  as root (i always tested
amanda as root.)

Any hints would be helpful!


Dirk Engelmann

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