>sorry, if this is a little bit off-topic.  ...

As other have said, this is very much on-topic.

>I'd like to know a good strategy 
>to restore from an amanda backup to an empty harddisk.  ...

The only thing I'd add to what you listed and others have expounded upon
is that you need to know what tapes have the backup images you'll need
and, if you do not have amrestore, what file on the tape.

There are various ways to do this (and I'm sure some I haven't thought

  * rdist/rsync the Amanda configuration information (including the
    curinfo database) to some other machine or removable medium after
    each run.  This is what I do and has the added advantage of being
    able to easily recover the Amanda state for use during the recovery
    and have it correct for the next run.

  * Use one of the lbl-templ tapetype definitions to print a hard copy
    output of each tape after each run.

  * Use amtoc after amdump/amflush run and put the output someplace
    safe (another machine, removable medium, hard copy).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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