Ben Hyatt wrote:
> Hello,
> Ran into some difficulties attempting to upgrade a e450 (2.6 > 2.7).
> This server, unfortunately was my amanda backup server.
> I am trying to restore using dd, as my preserved data (thanks sun for the
> painless upgrade)is next to useless, and I'm running into some problems.
> Following 'Restoring without
> Amanda' I'm able to
> get a description of the image on tape (good).  However I'm not able to find
> the particuliar host|disk
> I'm looking for.  I have loaded tape atlab02, but I only see one image...
> // output from dd
> # mt -f /dev/rmt/0 rewind
> # mt -f /dev/rmt/0 fsf
> # dd if=/dev/rmt/0 bs=32k count=1
> AMANDA: FILE 20010112 web6 / lev 1 comp .gz program /usr/sbin/ufsdump
> To restore, position tape at start of file and run:
>         dd if=<tape> bs=32k skip=1 | /usr/local/bin/gzip -dc |
> usr/sbin/ufsrestore -f... -
> 1+0 records in
> 1+0 records out

What happens if you repeat these steps? Make sure you use the
non-rewinding device.

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