In addition to what Paul Bort said ...

>I am backing up from a centralized backup server , all of the clients
>"sync" content to the server , and the backups are performed from a dump
>directory on the server.  ...

Is there some reason you're not letting Amanda run directly on the
clients?  What kind of clients are they?  Why the sync operation?

>... but solaris doesn't do well honoring compressed capacity. 

I doubt it has anything to do with Solaris.  See Paul's notes.

>... It also
>complains about not being able to switch to an incrementatl dump - is
>that from /etc/dumpdates ? (Until now , I have used 'star' to backup). 

Next time, **please** post the exact message you're getting.  Amanda
generates a lot of different warning and it's hard to know what's going
on without the text.

In this case, I suspect it said the disk was new and that's why it could
not switch to an incremental.  As Paul said, the first time Amanda sees
a new client/disk, it **must** do a level 0.

>Do I need to define the changer as a manual one ???  ...

Are you asking if that's the way to use multiple tapes in a run if you
don't have a real changer?  If so, then yes, setting up Amanda to use
chg-manual is one way to do so.

>If so , is there documentation to show me how ?  ...

I'm working on improving that, but the short answer is that you need to
set tapedev to the physical tape drive, set tpchanger to "chg-manual"
and set changerfile to a base name (e.g. /var/amanda/chg-manual)
that chg-manual will append various suffixes to for its own use (e.g.

If you're going to run amdump from cron, look at the chg-manual script
for notes on how to do that.  Normally it needs /dev/tty.

>Daren L. Eason, Sr.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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