Hello all

I have taken over running Amanda 2.4.1 and backing up about 30-40 servers
and workstations since one of our two Unix system managers moved on to
greener pastures a few months ago.  Since then, each time our remaining
system manager has upgraded a sun system to Solaris 8 it has begun failing
out of the backup set.  I have made sure that I can rsh from our backup
server as both bin and root.  I believe that all of the requisite files are
in place on the client, they are registered in DNS and I can ping them.  

amcheck gives this error:
 WARNING: gsbmkt.uchicago.edu: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?

The Mailed report I get states:
  gsbmkt.uc /pub/mba_disk_8 lev 0 FAILED [Request to gsbbkp2.uchicago.edu
timed out.]

Any suggestions would be most welcome


Scott Wilkerson
GSB Systems Management
U of C Graduate School of Business
Phone: (773) 702-0331
Fax    : (773) 702-0233

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