* Alexandre Oliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 07:07:01AM -0200)
> On Jan 29, 2001, Gerhard den Hollander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>         Sure enough, GNU tar 1.13. Will version 1.11.8, or 1.12 work?
>>> I don't think 1.11.* will work.  1.12 will work if you apply the patches
>>> from www.amanda.org.  1.13.19 is reported to work.

>> Could this be added to the docs, please ?

> As in docs/INSTALL?

docs INSTALL sais, use 1.12 w/ patches.
I assumed (incorrectly) that 1.13 would work as well.

>> Will 1.13.17 work ?
> Yep, but there's a (rare?) bug in 1.13.17 that may cause it to crash.

I just tested it 
()I know, why ask, if you can test it yourself)
and 1.13.17 works fine (the one that comes with Suse 7.0)

Im using 1.13.19 for the Solaris boxen.

Kind regards,
Gerhard den Hollander                           Phone +31-10.280.1515
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