On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >I have a DLT2000 (is that 5/10 or 15/30?) ...
> If I'm reading the www.quantum.com web page right, it's 10/20 if you
> use DLT-III tapes and 15/30 if you use DLT-III-XT.
> >will it automatically use
> >hardware compression under FreeBSD, or, like Solaris, do I have to use
> >special devices for this?
> This is a guess because I don't have FreeBSD (and nobody else has chimed
> in), but the (FreeBSD) man page has a "comp" option that appears to
> be able to turn compression on and off.  If I were you, I'd add that
> command to your own wrapper script around amdump (and amflush) so you
> know it is set to the proper value every time.

which man page are you reading here? :)

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