On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Dan Wilder wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 10:36:19PM -0500, Mitch Collinsworth wrote:
> > Sorry, I haven't messed with this myself.  I'm currently staring at
> > the Linux docs trying to figure out if I have to use ioctl in order
> > to turn h/w compression on and off there.
> Should be able to do it with mt(1).  At least, that's
> what I once did with a DLT-2000.
On Linux?  Did you use mt compression or did you call ioctl directly?

> You might want to get the latest source.  There seem to be
> an awful lot of copies scattered over the net.
Thanks, I'll check it out.

> The 0.6 manpage notes that mt uses the MTCOMPRESSION ioctl, but that
> this doesn't work on all tape drives.

0.5b (what I have now) manpage says the same thing.  I tried
mt compression and mt setdensity first without any obvious success
so I was figuring to try ioctl next.  I'm expecting I'll be able to
detect success or failure from the output of mt status.  Is this


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