Some more info. The backup of /home on failed again last night, but I
notice the following:

>From sendbackup.debug:

1) sendbackup: debug 1 pid 25115 ruid 40582 euid 40582 start time Wed
Feb  7 23:08:
22 2001

2) The AMANDA MAIL REPORT was sent at 23:38.

3) [root@svhsfiles /tmp/amanda]# ls -l sendbackup.debug 
-rw-------   1 amanda   amanda       1601 Feb  8 00:16 sendbackup.debug

So, sendbackup for /home begins at 23:08, amanda quits and sends out the
MAIL REPORT 30 minutes later at 23:38 with the "[data timeout]" error,
and sendbackup.debug records the "index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]"
error at 00:16, well after amanda was done for the night. 

Is it possible I've got some sort of timeout value wrong someplace? Any
suggestions on where to look to change it?

Chris Hobbs       Silver Valley Unified School District
Head geek:              Technology Services Coordinator
postmaster:               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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