On Fri, 09 Feb 2001, Ryan Williams wrote:

> > Perhaps it would help the two of you.  Perhaps you can explain why
> > the rest of us should be inconvenienced because you can't spare the
> > time to learn to use the right tool for the right job?  200 m/day might
> > be a burden for you.  For many of us that's a light day.  The list
> > messages are already tagged in the Sender: header.  Please learn to
> > use it.
> Who is to say that we would be the ones inconveniencing others. If everyone
> but you wants this, you would be inconveniencing us to ask that it was not
> done. I was just placing out an idea when I suggested this just to get some
> feed back and to see what other people thought about this. We all know your
> opinion about the matter now how about we hear some other peoples opinions.

I can see where it would help if you didn't have some way to filter mail, but
mostly the Sender: header is correct.  The only times I have trouble with that
is when an email is sent directly to me, and not the list.

Also, just to note, I would like (hope, pray, etc.) that Subjects become more
descriptive of what's in the message.  Wading through 100's of "Question:" or
"ARGH! HELP ME" messages for something useful is difficult to say the least.

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

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