>I'm new to this mailing list (as of yesterday) ...


If I may make a short comment.  This discussion about E-mail and Subject
lines is not at all typical of this mailing list.  I've already seen
more heat about this than the last 1000 other postings.  So please don't
judge it just based on this.

>but I already agree
>with what Ryan wrote.  There is NO inconvience is having an 
>[AMU] appended to the front/end of a message subject ...

I disagree (and agree with Mitch).  That crap is a major nuisance.
When I first saw it on a mailing list, I thought it was kind of nice.
Then I tried to sort my mail into threads.  Then I didn't think it was
so nice :-).

Here's a typical Subject line in a thread on a group that does this:

  Subject: RE: [cvsgui] Re: Can CVS-NT repository be moved?


Now, some will say this is a problem of that persons mailer, and that's
true (although I've seen it a lot so it must be a reasonably common one,
whatever it is).  But my response is that if that crud were not in the
Subject line, this wouldn't have happened at all.

And Mitch is also right that losing several more characters off the
Subject summary can be annoying.

>and frankly being
>on a couple dozen different mailing lists and recieving on the order of
>200 emails a day, things like what was suggested only helps in the long 

Why?  As Mitch said, procmail does that perfectly fine filtering on TO
(which include To: and Cc: and all the other normal target address

And to you folks using Outlook, well, 'nuff said :-).  This is the
**least** of *your* worries.

>Mitch - Can you explain in 100 words or less specifically how to filter
>the email to do something like this on a RH system?  ...

I'll give it a shot.

Install/configure procmail (no root needed).  Use this rule:

  * ^TOamanda-users

9 words (not counting the rule).


For those that are on mailing lists with this "feature", here's a typical
procmail rule I use for undo-ing it, if you're interested:

  :0 hw
  * ^TOsolaris-x86
  Subject= | formail -x Subject | sed 's/\[s-x86\] *//'

  :0 fhw
  * ^TOsolaris-x86
  | formail -i "Subject:$Subject"

This doesn't quite handle the above because it ends up with "RE: Re:
...", but I just haven't had the minute to tack on another sed expression.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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