>amrestore: fast-forward: Errore di input/output

Assuming I can translate this properly :-), this means the drive reported
an I/O error to the OS (who reported it to Amanda who logged it).
In other words, the tape could not be read.

But all may not be lost.  Here are some things to try:

  * Find out what file on the tape holds the image you want.  Use amtoc
    or "amadmin <config> find <host> <disk>".  Once you know that,
    rewind the tape do a single fsf to that file and try the amrecover
    again if the fsf works.

  * Try retensioning the tape ("mt retension" or something like that
    -- you'll have to look it up in your OS documentation), if the drive
    supports that.

  * Try cleaning the drive.

>Carlo Alberto

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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