Hello, I'm receiving messages like the following in my daily

/-- pds        /var lev 1 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [pds:/var level 1]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/bin/gtar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/bin/gtar -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? gtar: ./account/acct: file changed as we read it
| gtar: ./run/log: socket ignored
| gtar: ./run/ndc: socket ignored
| Total bytes written: 12646400 (12MB, 2.1MB/s)
sendbackup: size 12350
sendbackup: end

I saw Alexander's post in a previous mail abut the lines:

  /* GNU tar 1.13.17 will print this warning when (not) backing up a
     Unix named socket.  */
  { DMP_NORMAL, ": socket ignored$", 1 },

in client-src/sendbackup-gnutar.c.  (I have those in there, since
that's where I copied them from.

Although I am using a FreeBSD system, I have compiled and installed
GNU tar 1.13.19, and ran ./configure with --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/gtar.

What else should I look at to see what is causing this to still happen?


Paul D. Schmidt         |  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Coder / Sys Admin       |            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Unbound Communications  |       http://www.unboundcom.com

 "The grass may actually be greener on the other side of the fence,
  but it still has to be mowed."  --Anonymous

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