"Paul D. Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello, I'm receiving messages like the following in my daily
> report:
> /-- pds        /var lev 1 STRANGE
> sendbackup: start [pds:/var level 1]
> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/local/bin/gtar
> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/local/bin/gtar -f... -
> sendbackup: info end
> ? gtar: ./account/acct: file changed as we read it
> | gtar: ./run/log: socket ignored
> | gtar: ./run/ndc: socket ignored
> | Total bytes written: 12646400 (12MB, 2.1MB/s)
> sendbackup: size 12350
> sendbackup: end
> \--------
> What else should I look at to see what is causing this to still happen?
> Thanks,
> -Paul

The reason you see those errors is because a file changed while it was
being read. As long as there is just one line Amanda doesn't
understand, you will get all messages from the backup. Lines prefixed
with | are lines Amanda is ok with and those prefixed with ? are the
lines it doesn't recognize.

To avoid it, either make sure there is no activity on the filesystems
being dumped, patch Amanda to ignore those messages (eew) or in the
case it is the same files that change during every dump and they
aren't important, exclude them. I do the latter with some temporary

Hope that helps...

Jens Bech Madsen

Jens Bech Madsen
The Stibo Group, Denmark

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