Check your hme interface settings.  I found that on the systems that
appeared to be slow, the NIC was configured for something other than 100
full, even though the physical network was 100 full.

If you have access to SunSolve ( ), you can check
out FAQ ID #2605 and Infodoc ID #18262 for some very useful information, as
well as some good instructions on changing your settings.  You'll probably
have to have a SunSolve account to get the info. If you've read and
understood the docs, then the following might be helpful (at least it can
show you if the settings are conflicting):

To see the list of variables for the /dev/hme interface, use:

# ndd /dev/hme \?

I use this little script to show me the current settings:

VARLIST=`ndd /dev/hme \? | sed '1d' | cut -d" " -f1`
   echo "${VAR} = `ndd /dev/hme ${VAR}`"

The output looks like this:     (some comments are added in with #)

# ./
transceiver_inuse = 0
link_status = 1                         # 1=up 0=down   (Read-Only)
link_speed = 1                          # 1=100mps 0=10mps (R-O)
link_mode = 0                           # 1=full duplex  0=half duplex (R-O)
ipg1 = 8
ipg2 = 4
use_int_xcvr = 0
pace_size = 0
adv_autoneg_cap = 1                     # Advertise whether you want to
                                                # If adv_autoneg_cap = 0,
set one of the following
                                                # adv_values to 1 and all
the others to 0.
                                                # If adv_autoneg_cap = 1,
adv_100T4_cap = 0                               # Advertise available
adv_100fdx_cap = 1                      # 100 full
adv_100hdx_cap = 1                      # 100 half
adv_10fdx_cap = 1                               # 10 full
adv_10hdx_cap = 1                               # 10 half
autoneg_cap = 1                         # Current settings (read-only
100T4_cap = 0
100fdx_cap = 1
100hdx_cap = 1
10fdx_cap = 1
10hdx_cap = 1
lp_autoneg_cap = 0                      # Link partner settings (read-only
lp_100T4_cap = 0
lp_100fdx_cap = 0
lp_100hdx_cap = 0
lp_10fdx_cap = 0
lp_10hdx_cap = 0
instance = 0                            # /dev/hme0
lance_mode = 1
ipg0 = 16

So according to the settings, this system is configured to auto-negotiate
and has settled on 100 Mbps, half duplex.  Auto-negotiate slows things down,
and so does the half duplex...
Check with the people who configure your network/routers/switches to be sure
of the settings you need to use.  Also, if the machine is on a hub, that too
should be taken into consideration. 

Hope this helps...

David Carter
McLeodUSA Information Systems

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tanniel Simonian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 4:11 PM
> Subject: Average Dump Rate Question 
> Currently my average dump rate on a 100mbit full switched network
> consisting of Cisco 2948G's and Dell Pentium III 800 mhz with 
> 512 megs of
> ram server is at: 
> Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       364.5      364.5        -- 
> How can I speed this up?
> In amanda.conf I have set netusage to 50000 kbits.
> should I increase that number, decrease the number of dumps running
> concurrently, shouldn't my network card be able to handle at least 4
> megabytes per second, (3com 35905B 100mbit)? Does high 
> compression play a
> factor in the file transfer, or does the compression be done 
> on the client
> machine then sent over the network to the dump disk?
> My hard disk also is set up as this:
> define interface local {
>     comment "a local disk"   
>     use 50000 kbps
> }
> My local disk is an IBM Ultra 2 9 gig 10000 RPM drive. I believe 50000
> kbps is sort of slow for a drive like this, but I don't get any
> improvements by bumping this number up?
> What can I do to increase my dump rate? Also does amanda ignore, when
> defining a tape type the speed of what the tape drive is 
> capable? Does it
> leave determining the speed to the actual drive and interface?
> define tapetype M2-AME225 {
>     comment "Exabyte EZ17 Mammoth2"
>     length 57487 mbytes
>     filemark 0 kbytes
>     speed 11765 kbytes
> }
> Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  6689.9     6689.9        -- 
> Im assuming that compression may play a role in the speed of the tape
> drive copying content? 
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated,
> Thank you,
> Tanniel Simonian
> University of California Riverside Science Library
> Linux Admin/Networking Admin

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