Thanks a lot for your explanation. One more question , when I do amcheck
and no error are reported, can I trust it 100 % that the backup will work
Olivier Collet

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >I'm in new in this amanda world.
> Welcome!

> >First the cron job on the server launches the amdump
> >The amanda checks the disklist and connect to the client via UDP
> >The Client answer back via UDP and launches amandad which takes care of
> >the transit.
> >Is it right ?
> Pretty much, although the actual data transfer of the backup image,
> error messages and catalogue (if enabled) is done with TCP.
> It goes like this:
>   Amanda Server                           Amanda Client
>   =============                                 =============
>   send UDP request to client:10082
>                                         inetd sees UDP request and starts
>                                         amandad
>                                         amandad reads and decodes packet,
>                                         performs security checks and starts
>                                         the requested "service" (selfcheck,
>                                         sendsize, sendbackup)
>                                         sendbackup creates two or three
>                                         TCP sockets (data, messages,
>                                         index/catalogue) and sends those
>                                         port numbers back to the server in
>                                         a UDP packet
>                                         client waits for incoming connections
>                                         on the new ports
>   get port numbers from client and
>   connect via TCP
>                                         accepts connections and transfers
>                                         data
> >One other question, can soemone tells me which port I have to open on the
> >client side ? 
> UDP 10080 is the only thing a client needs.  The server needs TCP 10082
> and 10083 if you plan on using amrecover.
> When the sendbackup TCP sockets are created on the client and when
> the corresponding sockets are created on the server, ports are chosen
> first from the range you gave ./configure with --with-portrange (if
> you set that at all), then privileged ports (512 .. 1023) are tried,
> then any available port.  When programs are not running as root (such
> as sendbackup), they cannot get a privileged port, so that part does
> not apply.
> UDP ports are bound to specific ranges just like TCP ports.  Amcheck,
> planner and dumper use that so you can limit the values selected to get
> through a firewall.
> >I have removed the UDP 10080, TCP 10082 - 10083 from the
> >"services" file on the client machine, restarted inetd and amcheck still
> >works. Is it normal ?
> I don't know how that could work.  After removing those entries from your
> services file, inetd should have been unhappy with your configuragion file
> and not accepted connections.  There must be something else going on here.
> >Olivier Collet
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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