>I've looked at the man pages, the Faq-o-matic, etc and find very little descri
>bibg the output of amstatus.  ...

Does "etc" include "the chapter" at www.backupcentral.com/amanda.html?
I tried to describe some of it in there.

>SUMMARY          part     real estimated
>                          size      size
>partition       :  49

There are 49 entries in your disklist.

>estimated       :  48           80846764k

Amanda got estimates for 48 of them and the total size is ~80 GBytes.

>failed          :  10           19359389k           ( 23.95%)

10 backups have failed and their estimated size was ~20 GBytes, which is
~24% of the total estimated size.

>wait for dumping:   7           47852467k           ( 59.19%)

7 backups are still waiting to be dumped and their estimated size is
~47 GBYtes, which is ~60% of the total estimate.

>dumping to tape :   0                  0k           (  0.00%)

No dumps are currently being written directly to tape.

>dumping         :   3  1351520k  6809615k ( 19.85%) (  1.67%)

3 dumps are currently running.  The actual size in the holding disk so
far is 1.3 GBytes, which is ~20% of the estimated size of 6.8 GBytes
and ~2% of the total estimated size.

>dumped          :  29  1346528k  6825293k ( 19.73%) (  1.67%)

29 dumps have been completed totalling 1.3 GBytes ...

>wait for writing:   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)

No dumps are in the holding disk waiting to be written to tape.

>writing to tape :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)

No dumps are currently being written to tape from the holding disk.

>failed to tape  :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)

No dumps that were being written to tape have failed.

>taped           :  29  1346528k  6825293k ( 19.73%) (  1.67%)

29 dumps have made it completely to tape.

>5 dumpers idle  : no-diskspace

5 of your dumpers are idle, and at least one reason they are not doing
anything is there is no more holding disk space (other constraints may
also apply, this is just the first one that stopped Amanda from assigning
them more work).

>taper idle

Taper (the process that writes things to tape) is not doing anything.

>network free kps:     7310

This line is mostly bogus.  It says there is this much available bandwidth
for Amanda to pick from, but I don't think it takes into account the
multiple "interfaces" Amanda could use or which interface is used by
which dump.

>holding space   :   562880k (  7.63%)

You have 5.6 GBytes free in your holding disk, which is 7% of the total

> dumper0 busy   :  0:22:12  ( 67.78%)

Dumper number 0 has been busy doing things ~22 minutes, which is ~68%
of the total run time so far.

>   taper busy   :  0:04:53  ( 14.92%)

Taper has been busy doing things ~5 minutes, which is ~15% of the total
run time so far.

> 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

You've never had no dumpers busy (i.e. all of them idle).

> 2 dumpers busy :  0:01:24  (  4.30%)        no-diskspace:  0:01:24  (100.00%)

You've had 2 dumpers working about 1 minute of the total run time, and one
reason you could not go to 3 dumpers was not enough holding disk space.

> 8 dumpers busy :  0:00:30  (  1.53%)          no-dumpers:  0:00:16  ( 53.79%)
>                                                 not-idle:  0:00:13  ( 46.21%)

You've had 8 dumpers busy 30 seconds, and of that 30 seconds, the reason
you could not go to 9 was no more dumpers configured 16 seconds and
nothing to do (not-idle) 13 seconds.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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