Kaushal Shriyan wrote:

Can anyone tell me how do i know the status of the amanda progress
while dumping to the tape

#amstatus DailySet1 gives me saying dumping to the tape

but what about the progress viz some % like 20 % something like that

Any help

That's the limitation of amstatus. (amstatus does give percentages, but they relate to the total number of bytes estimated, and have a granularity of each backup image.)

Only if you can find out how to (portably) program to look inside
a running process data structure and see where the current filepointer
is in some large file.  Even "lsof" on Linux is not capable of that!

If you really really really want to get more accurate, you can configure
a small "chunksize", and then using lsof find out which chunk is
being taped from the holdingdisk.  (Apart from modifying taper and
letting it communicate how many bytes are taped using some e.g. some

Personnally I've never felt the need to know more details.  Usually
I'm sleeping while Amanda works.

Paul Bijnens, Xplanation                            Tel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM    Fax  +32 16 397.512
http://www.xplanation.com/          email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...    *
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out          *

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