We're moving the backup solution to a new dedicated server (whoopiee), so
I'm re-hashing this again. What we want is the following:

A) 2-4 weeks of backup history.
B) Full backups once per week.
C) Archival dumps once per month to tapes we just store away.

I'm using a 22-tape ADIC changer with the current configuration (and I
know it doesn't do either A or C above) that works just fine.
dumpcycle 2 weeks
runspercycle 10
tapecycle 22 tapes
runtapes 2

Now, I am thinking about going to this Daily config:
dumpcycle       1 week
runspercycle    5
runtapes        2
tapecycle       44
And adding another configuration that runs once a month and does a full:
dumpcycle       0
runspercycle    1
runtapes        22
tapecycle       22

Does this sound kosher? Thanks.


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