Thank George... I don't know how to understand. The content of amanda.debug:

amandad: debug 1 pid 7562 ruid 11 euid 11 start time Wed May  2 15:29:01
./amandad: version 2.4.1p1
./amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.1p1"
./amandad:        BUILT_DATE="Sun Oct 29 17:03:58 EST 2000"
./amandad:        BUILT_MACH="Linux mapi2.distro.conectiva 2.2.17-9clsmp #1
SMP seg out 16 23:05:24 EST 2000 i686 unknown"
./amandad:        CC="gcc-stackguard"
./amandad: paths: bindir="/usr/bin" sbindir="/usr/sbin"
./amandad:        libexecdir="/usr/lib/amanda" mandir="/usr/man"
./amandad:        CONFIG_DIR="/etc/amanda" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/"
./amandad:        RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/" DUMP="/sbin/dump"
./amandad:        RESTORE="/sbin/restore" GNUTAR="/bin/gtar"
./amandad:        COMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip"
./amandad:        UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip" MAILER="/usr/bin/Mail"
./amandad:        listed_incr_dir="/var/lib/amanda/amanda/gnutar-lists"
./amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER="localhost" DEFAULT_CONFIG="DailySet1"
./amandad:        DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER="localhost"
./amandad:        DEFAULT_TAPE_DEVICE="/dev/null" HAVE_MMAP HAVE_SYSVSHM
./amandad:        HAVE_GZIP COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz" COMPRESS_FAST_OPT="--fast"
./amandad:        COMPRESS_BEST_OPT="--best" UNCOMPRESS_OPT="-dc"

please, if someone can help me...

                          Leandro Melo de Sales.
CEFET/AL - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Alagoas
            GTI - Gerência de Tecnologia da Informação

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Herson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Leandro Sales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Please, help me! I don`t know what to do?

> Leandro Sales wrote:
> > Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> > WARNING: selfcheck request timed out. Host down?         -> Why this
> > occur?
> > Client check: 1 host checked in 30.041 seconds, 1 problem found.
> >
> > Please, I have been trying to configure this software for about two
> > but until now, I didn`t get success. I really need to fix this problem.
> Maybe look thru the debug files in /tmp/amanda if you haven't.
> > I have other question:
> > Why this occur?
> > [root@monet /root]# amcheck /etc/amanda/amanda.conf
> > amcheck: could not cd to confdir /etc/amanda//etc/amanda/amanda.conf:
> > or directory not found
> >
> > I have to do:
> > [root@monet /root]# amcheck ../../etc/amanda/amanda.conf
> > with ../../ this eliminate the first /etc/amanda and the program
> > interprets the correct directory....
> The way i run amcheck is just "amcheck Dell-Full".  I don't think
> amcheck wants a path.  It will seek the config (eg, "Dell-Full") folder
> where it expects it, based on, eg, the --prefix spec to ./configure.
> Sorry i can't help you more, but that may give you something to work on
> until someone more knowledgable appears.
> > Leandro.
> George

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