Hi all,

Thanks to John for his assistance. Ended up getting it to work because I'd
made a mess of the xinet.d configuration - the index service was pointing at
something that existed, but was of no assistance (not going to pretend to
know what the file in question did).

Fixed that, and then had some grief with it not letting me run amrecover as
root - telling me that root couldn't run it as backupuser@host .

Did the dodgy, and did:
chown root.backupuser amrecover
chmod ug+x amrecover
chmod u+s amrecover

which set the owner of the file to root, and the backupuser's group. I then
gave root & the backup user permission to execute the file, and set the
"setuid" bit, which means (i think) that if a user in the backupser group
executes the file they will execute it as if they were root.

And this works, and i'm a much happier admin :o)


Chris Herrmann
Far Edge Technology

p. 02 99553640
f. 02 99547994
m. 0403 393309

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