On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 08:36:07PM -0500, John R. Jackson wrote:
> >... I'd like to back up at least
> >their mail, and probably web directories.
> >...
> >I've been trying to do this with exclude lists, but I haven't hit the
> >solution yet.  ...
> Wow!  I wouldn't have had the guts to try this with exclude lists.
> They give me (real :-) headaches just trying to do "normal" things :-).

Brave or stupid, I've gotten it working with some help from a LUG
member on my sh globbing.  If you have a line like so in your

myhost  /home           myhost-home

and the myhost-home dumptype is calling
/etc/amanda/exclude.myhost-home, which contains this:


Then /home/*/Mail and /home/*/mail will be backed up.

This creation of evil could easily be extended to back up
/home/*/public_html, too, or whatever else you wanted.

> Maybe you could do it with inclusion instead of exclusion?  Take a
> look at:
>   ftp://gandalf.cc.purdue.edu/pub/amanda/gtar-wrapper.*
> During the pre_estimate you could run "find" to gather a list of what
> you want to back up, squirrel that away and then pass it to gtar for
> both the estimate and the real run.

Yes, but that's a compile-time option, right?  As I'm a university
student and will be replaced in a few years, I don't want my successor
to be confused when apt-get dist-upgrade breaks the /home backup :)

Of course, I hope we have a bigger tape drive by then...


Sotto la panca la capra crepa
sopra la panca la capra campa

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