Hello Olivier

   The only configuration problem was that I forgot to HUP inetd <grin>. 
We has a power interruption this morning which brought down the whole 
computer room (backup server and client in question too). When they
came back up amanda was able to connect and backup. Conclusion: Dogh!

Thanx for all the the help. 


Olivier Nicole wrote:
> Paolo,
> At this stage, configuration is a problem of OpenBSD, and I don't use
> OpenBSD, nor I use NAT.
> I understand your server is on NAT address and the client is outside.
> I think you need to configure (assuming you used standard ports):
> - udp on port 10080 from server to client
> - udp on port 10080 from client to server (with address maping),
>   connection is initiated by the server, in case your firewall has
>   statefull connection
> - tcp on port 10082 from client to server, with mapping, connection is
>   initiated by the client
> - tcp on port 10083 same as above
> You can usefully check in /tmp/amanda, there is a bunch of debug files
> that gives a lot of explanations.
> Olivier


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