>The next tapes in the "tapelist" file clearly indicate the sequence of empty
>Why is it not asking for Montly-05 and Monthly-06  for the next backup?

What is "tapecycle" set to in amanda.conf?  If it's bigger than 12
(the number of tapelist entries), that would explain why Amanda thinks
it needs "new" tapes.

>Also, I accidently did an "amrmtape" of Monthly-01.   What are the steps to
>recover the indexes?

What do you mean by "indexes"?  If you mean the catalogues that amrecover
uses, you can't.

This is a harder problem than it might seem because the image has to be
sent back to the client to regenerate the catalogue (in the general case).
For instance, my tape servers are Solaris boxes and they don't have the
AIX restore program to do a catalogue.

It's possible a special case could be made for GNU tar, but nobody has
done the work.

If you mean the other information Amanda uses to remember a tape (the
curinfo database, the log.YYYYMMDD.NN files, etc), that's also probably
not possible (and now you know why I create several backups of my Amanda
areas :-).  Yet another item for the TODO list.

Actually, if you have not made any Amanda runs since you did the
amrmtape, it looks like the previous tapelist file is in .../tapelist~
(note the trailing tilde character) and the exported curinfo database
is in .../curinfo.orig.$$ (depending somewhat on what "infofile" is set
to in your amanda.conf).  So if you have those two files, you could put
the tapelist back (I'd diff it to make sure all you're doing is adding
the missing tape back in) and you can do an "amadmin <config> import"
to restore the curinfo area.  I'd tar the existing curinfo area first and
look very, very carefully at the results.  You might even do an "amadmin
<config> export" and diff that with the *.orig.$$ file to see what will
be changing.

If you just want to know what's on the tape for your own use (i.e. so if
you need to do a restore you can do it "by hand"), you can use amrestore:

  mt rewind
  amrestore -p $TAPE no-such-host > /dev/null

This will search the tape for a client named "no-such-host" and, of
course, not find it.  But along the way it will report all the images
it skips.

>Luc Lalonde

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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