Greetings.  We recently upgraded one of our Amanda servers to Redhat 7.1 
(from Redhat 6.2), and we experienced some difficulties with the backup 
after that.  In particular, Amanda was suddenly unable to execute "runtar" 
on the server itself!.  (I.e., it isn't a question of root access to 
NFS-mounted file systems, etc.)

This is on a server system which uses NIS as one source of information.

I found a thread on this topic from early this year in the archives for 
this list.  I didn't find that discussion particularly useful, as it 
focused mostly on obvious permission problems, etc.  I think the issue is a 
little more subtle than that and may relate to a bug in Redhat 
software.  I'd like to bounce some ideas off of this group to see if 
anybody has any additional insight.

The crucial thing about the use of runtar is that it is an suid (root) 
program, which allows *group* execution.  The idea is to place the amanda 
user (which we call amanda) into the group associated with runtar.

[root@server libexec]# pwd
[root@server libexec]# ls -l runtar
-rwsr-x---    1 root     amanda      99369 Jul  5 18:18 runtar

(Note that the associated group here was originally "adm", rather than 
amanda.  See discussion below.)

We had placed amanda into two groups, adm and disk.  That worked fine under 
Redhat 6.2.  It doesn't appear to work under Redhat 7.1.  The reason for 
that is, evidently, that Redhat's NIS implementation does not put group 
ID's lower than MINGID=500 into the NIS maps.  (See /var/yp/Makefile)  For 

[root@server libexec]# groups amanda
amanda : amanda adm disk

[root@server libexec]# ypcat -k group | grep amanda
amanda amanda:x:656:amanda

Putting amanda into a "non-privileged" group (also called amanda) and 
associating that group with runtar appears to have solved our problem.

But I still don't understand why this issue arose in the first place.  Our 
nsswitch.conf file calls for local files to be searched before the NIS maps 
are consulted for group information:

[root@server /etc]# grep group nsswitch.conf
#group:     db files nisplus nis
group:      files nis
netgroup:   files nis

Recall that this is all happening on one system, the server system.  Why 
isn't /etc/group consulted, thereby showing amanda's membership in the adm 
group?  Note that /etc is browseable by everybody and /etc/group is world 


                                         - Mike

Michael Hannon            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics          530.752.4966
University of California  530.752.4717 FAX
Davis, CA 95616-8677

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