At 06:15 AM 7/12/2001, Martin hepworth wrote:
>Hi all


>We've been using amanda 2.4.2.p1 for a while now and every in the garden
>is rosey.

Good. :-)

>We recently got a snap-server to try and off - load some of our desktop
>machines that are being used as file servers (yes I know...).
>I'm trying to backup the snap server by mounting thing via nfs on the
>amanda server itself and then simply backup the nfs mount as a normal
>local filesystem.

We have several SnapAppliances and Dell NAS boxes. I've not tried using NFS 
to back up any of these; we've just used samba as though it was any other 
Windows box--thereby eliminating the need to run NFS on them. Is there a 
particular reason you want to use NFS?

>However when I do this is get the following error...
>Martin Hepworth
>Senior Systems Administrator
>Solid State Logic Ltd
>+44 (0)1865 842300

Darin Dugan
System Support Specialist
Iowa State University Extension

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