* John R. Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 10:53:03PM -0500)

>>The Apollo fails to return an estimate and fails to backup. The estimates
>>are taking about 6hrs to complete.  ...

> Ick.  I'm sure that's because GNU tar does not perform estimates as fast
> as ufsdump can.

> One possibility, if you're bound and determined to switch :-), would be
> to get GNU tar 1.13.19 from alpha.gnu.org.  That seems to be a stable
> version and may perform the estimates better.

But not by much,
gnutar has to run the estimates 3 times
(level 0, current level, cunnrent level + 1).
with over 500G disk that's easy 6 hours

> There is also the calcsize approach, but let's leave that for the moment.
calcsize does all 3 estimates in one go,
is more than 2ce as fast per estimate then gtar.

Doing estimates on 600+G witch calcsize takes a bit less than 45 minutes
on a Sun UE450, the gtar stuff took well over 4 hours for just 2 levels 
(level 0 and level 1, since current level was also level 0).

At that point I broke down, hacked the amanda source a bit and switched to

>>How do I speed the size estimation up ...
> Don't use GNU tar.

Or use calcsize ;)

Currently listening to: CD Audio Track 07

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  Some say the end is near.
 =`\<,  Some say we'll see armageddon soon
(=)/(=) I certainly hope we will
        I could use a vacation

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