>Uh, oh.  I just realized something from a previous posting.  You said
>you saw this:
>  GNUTAR //winhost/profiles 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 1 exclude-list=/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar

>That's not going to work.  You're passing an exclusion **file** to do
>a PC (smbclient/smbtar) backup.  Samba only supports a single pattern
>("exclude", not "exclude list" in amanda.conf).  Which is unfortunate,
>but you'd have to bug the Samba folks about that.  Or some Amanda user
>could get ambitious and write up a Samba patch that Amanda could include
>ala what we do for GNU tar 1.12.

not only will it not work, but we don't want it too ;)

the guy who wrote our amanda.conf and disklist (who is now gone)
must not have been paying much attention.  in any case, i had
to rewrite the amanda.conf and disklist since there were syntax
changes (i guess) in the newer version (2.4.2p2).  the funny
thing is that one of the 'disks' on the backup server insists
on adding an exclude-list in the REQ packet, even though it is
not configured to do so in the dumptype (which it shares with
many other 'disks'), and none of the others do.  the file, of
course, doesn't exist.  here's 2 (4) adjacent 'disk' requests:

GNUTAR /usr/local/scratch1 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 13 exclude-list=/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar

GNUTAR /usr/local/scratch1 1 2001:7:21:8:47:40 13 exclude-list=/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar

GNUTAR /usr/local/archive 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 13
GNUTAR /usr/local/archive 2 2001:7:19:8:33:29 13

and the disklist lines:

box          /usr/local/archive      client-comp-fast        13
box          /usr/local/scratch1     client-comp-fast        13

and the dumptype:

define dumptype client-comp-fast {
        auth            BSD
        comment         "client-comp-fast"
        compress        client fast
        holdingdisk     yes
        ignore          no
        index           yes
        kencrypt        no
        maxdumps        1
        priority        medium
        program         "GNUTAR"
        record          yes
        skip-full       no
        skip-incr       no
        strategy        standard

thanks john (and others!),

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