>I'm using amanda with the same configuration for 10 days without having
>big issue.
>but after the other administrator touchs the disklist ...
>all my dumps fails with the same error message

I assume you're never going to let the other administrator near Amanda
again, right?  :-) :-)

>/-- dejanire   /export/diskC1 lev 2 FAILED [errfile open
>"/tmp/amanda/dejanire._export_diskC1.2.errout": No such file or

That message comes from the "dumper" program which runs on the server,
not the client.

My guess is that /tmp/amanda has been removed (although Amanda should have
recreated it), or that it has incorrect ownership or modes.  Probably the
easiest thing to do is just remove it and let Amanda recreate it.

A couple of possibilities here are that someone ran an Amanda program
(e.g. amadmin) as root instead of the Amanda user.  Another is that you
have some kind of /tmp cleanup process that removed the area while Amanda
was running.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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