    the disklist file looks fine. are you getting an email with errors? 
if so please send that and I can maybe help. If your getting "disk 
offline" errors it may be a permission issue. what user is amanda 
running as? are the filesystems (/dev/[sh]da[0-9]) owned by the group 
that amanda is running as? These are the first two things I would check. 
btw: I've had problems editing the group file by hand and adding amanda 
user to a group. It seems that the default group must be correct and 
amanda must be compiled with the correct options. Are you compiling from 
source or using an rpm?

janebackup wrote:

>Thanks for your reply, yes I was trying to backup a single directory (thought I'd do 
>first just to test).  If I have to backup the filesystem does this mean if I put the 
>following entry in my disklist file?:
>dataserv        /      always-full
>Cus I've already tried this and I still get the same errors.  Is my disklist file 
>Thanks for your help.
>>    Are you trying to backup a filesystem or a directory. Amanda is made 
>>to dump filesystems at the disk level and won't do a single directory. 
>>Are you getting an email of the errors or looking at the logs?
>>janebackup wrote:
>>>I'm still trying to get my amanda backup working, I have amanda 2.4.3b3 on a linux 
>>>machine and I am just trying to backup that one directory on that one machine with 
>>>tar/compression just to test for the minute.  But even that doesn't work the only 
>>>messages I get in amcheck are: 
>>>WARNING: info file /usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo/dataserv/_tmp/info does not 
>>>and in my report after I have ran amdump is:
>>>FAILURE & STRANGE dump summary
>>>dataserv   /tmp RESULTS MISSING
>>>and also:
>>>driver: WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
>>>I would be grateful any help!

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