>We have been carrying the amanda.conf foward from one version
>to the next. I don't know what the initial version was, perhaps
>2.6 ?  ...

Only if you're in a time warp and living about a decade in the future :-).

My guess is you're trying to upgrade from 2.3, but I never ran that
(it was years and years ago).

Your original question was:

  What is the "right" way to configure disksize with multiple
  spool areas ?

If those keywords do what I think they do, it would be something like this
(see the amanda(8) man page for all the details):

  holdingdisk hold1 {
    directory "/usr4/amanda/work"
    use 3000 MB
  holdingdisk hold2 {
    directory "/usr22/amanda/work"
    use 2000 MB

If you're really moving from 2.3 to 2.4+, there are other issues.
You may want to give the amanda(8) man page and the other Amanda docs
(including "the chapter" at www.backupcentral.com/amanda.html) a good
read.  Also, 2.3 clients cannot talk to a 2.4 server (and vice versa).
A protocol change makes them incompatible, so you'll have to upgrade
everything in a particular configuration at the same time.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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