
I am trying to run amanda 2.4.2p2 on Solaris 8 and am receiving
the following in /var/adm/messages

Oct 18 09:22:28 c110 inetd[186]: [ID 858011 daemon.warning] 
/usr/local/libexec/amandad: Hangup

Unlike the messages from May (30029 and related) I am not seeing
a secondary message amanda/udp server failing (looping), service terminated

and I have checked with our security manager, we are not running
BSM security modules on this system.

I should also tell you that we are runing the amanda server on Solaris 7
as "bin" and installing the amanda client on Solaris 8 built for user

We seem to be finding/triggering amanda services from inetd correctly
or we'd have different messages in /var/adm/messages...

There is no output, no creation of /tmp/amanda/
Using the run-amanda wrapper as suggested by Dan Lorenzini to run
amanda as root in inetd.conf but as <local user> via the wrapper's
su command produces the same result, ".../amandad: Hangup"

Come to think of it I should also state that the amanda server 
is 2.4.1p1. Its is compattible with the 2.4.2p2 client ?



   Brian R Cuttler                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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