On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 at 8:54am, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote

> JBL> That sounds like a duplex mismatch.  Are the 10M boxen on a switch smart 
> JBL> enough to deal with this?
> Yes thereīs a switch inbetween.
> Most of those slow boxes are connected via a hub (coax <-> cat5).
> I monitored switch activity, the nic of the amanda machine negotiates
> Full Duplex with 100M ... so I did not explicitly lock the nic to
> 100M.

I'm wondering if you're seeing lots of collisions when the 10M clients 
start dumping.

> JBL> What is your runspercycle?  Tapecycle *must* be >= (preferebably >) 
> JBL> runspercycle.  Otherwise, you may be overwriting the *only* full dump of a 
> JBL> filesystem you have on tape.  If that happens, you're SOL at restore time.
> I donīt have runspercycle set.
> Wrong ? Gonna read about it once more.
> dumpcycle 14
> tapecycle 11
> runtapes 1

I believe (taking into account your next mail) that it's dumpcycle that 
needs the units.  For example, I want a full dump of every filesystem once 
a week, running only on weeknights.  So I have

dumpcycle 1 week
runspercycle 5
runtapes 1

I also want a 3 month history of dailies, so I have

tapecycle 60

I'm guessing that what you want is:

dumpcycle 2 weeks
runspercycle 14
runtapes 1

As I mentioned, then, you need *at least* 14 tapes.  15 or 16 would be 
*much* better.

> btw, whatīs SOL ?

The polite version is 'Sorry, Out of Luck'.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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